One of the weirder things in Roy Thomas' most recent run on "Thor" was the "Godpack." And I'm not just talking about the crazy sub-Liefeld costumes and hair (although I'll get to those momentarily). I mean the whole concept is kind of batshit insane. Because the Godpack consists of apparently random shmoes who were transformed by the High Evolutionary into super-beings with
no memory of their old names or, I suspect, anything else. Which is just creepy. And here's the kicker: their new super-powered bodies were designed to emulate various Norse gods. And Thor became the leader of the group. Which means Thor spent a lot of time bossing around
artificial versions of his close, personal friends.Of course, Thor is used to bizarre crap like that. Just imagine what it must have been like in the Wundagore Gift Shoppe!
High Evolutionary: Janice? I've decided to promote you to manager.
Janice: Oh--! Well, thank you, Mister Evolutionary! So did Laurie quit, or did you promote her too, or--
High Evolutionary (darkly): Laurie's services were no longer needed.
Janice: I... see. Well, I'd better put in a classified ad for a new sales clerk!
High Evolutionary: No need! Behold, Janice O'Malley, for I now present to you... FUR RED!
Janice: The hell--?! He looks just like my friend Fred, only...
High Evolutionary: Only much, much BETTER! The creature you see before you is indeed based on the Fred you know, but is a wholly separate being with a myriad of genetic improvements! I trust you don't mind.
Janice: I just want to make sure the registers are covered. Still, it'll be kind of weird working with a guy who has Fred's face --
High Evolutionary: And his habit of whistling snippets of music from "Candide."
Janice: Really? Yikes. The main thing is... it'll be weird for me to, say, see Fred in the laundry room of our apartment building and then see his face again on a seven-foot-tall creature with a bright red lion's mane.
High Evolutionary: And tail.
Janice: Ew. Well, "Fur Red," let's find a company polo shirt that will fit you.
Janice (warily eyeing the broad, triangular thatch of red fur on the creature's chest): Trust me. You do.
[The two of them head for the storeroom, with Fur Red huskily whistling the opening bars of "Glitter And Be Gay."]
OKAY! Time for individual evaluations!

Back row:
"Anak." Son Of Thunder! (Kidding. And boy, is
that ever a joke for comic book nerds!) Ridiculously gigantic and strong bald Black guy. Because that's
not a sad, demeaning cliche, honest and for true. His outfit is actually the most demure of the bunch, except for the daring use of Seafoam Green, a color normally found on vacationing grandmas.
And that's it for the back row. Because he's
big!Front row, left to right (we'll skip Thor):
"Bellam." You know what I love about comic book ponytails? I love that they can grow to four, five feet long and still bounce around in complicated snaking patterns without a single strand out of place. I wonder what Bellam's hairdressing secret is. Some kind of xtreme-hold gel? Or Crisco, maybe? Also note that the High Evolutionary spent most of his shoe budget on everyone else so when he got to Bellam he only had about five bucks left and had to buy a pair of flimsy sandals from some hippie out on the street. Also, the poor dope has an axe for a hand. Not that he
lost his hand in an accident, mind you. Nope, the High Evolutionary designed Bellam's current body to
lack one hand. It cannot be said enough: the High Evolutionary is a creepy bastard.
"Luminor, Lord of Light." Which is funny, since I would have guessed from his breastplate that he was Lord of Corrugated Cardboard. Got enough
kneepads, Luminor? You do? Then could I borrow a couple? No? Yeah, I didn't think so.
"Blitziana." Nothing screams "ready for battle" like a chrome-plated sports bra, huh? Check out the gloves. I'm thinking Blitziana is dressed to go to the opera. Providing that opera is being performed by the Celestials. (I've heard that Exitar is simply
smashing as Madame Butterfly.) Bonus Creepy Points: the Norse god that Blitziana is based on?
Is Thor. I guess the High Evolutionary was thinking, "Yeah, I
like Thor and all, but you know what he needs? A fabulous rack. And maybe Wolverine's hair." News flash, honey!
Nobody needs Wolverine's hair. Not even
Wolverine needs Wolverine's hair.
"Loga." What a clever way to reuse those old red curtains in the sitting room! Bravo, High Evolutionary! And those tights look like they'd pinch. Just a bit. Just a teensy bit.
"Zefra." I don't think my eyes can take this much magenta. Notice how if she poses
just so it looks like she's nude below the waist! Which is
totally not on purpose, I'm sure. And there's more segmentation on the accessories, which, I'm sorry, is just stupid. Once Weight Wizard got his foot stuck inside a Slinky. (Yes, they'll still be manufactured one thousand years from now. Hey, stock tip!) If those arm-deals are anything like that Slinky, Zefra should be bawling like a baby and accusing Thor of taking her for granted. Oh wait, I guess he wasn't really blaming the Slinky for that second thing. Also, check out her hair. At this size, I can't tell if she's wearing a really goofy Zatanna hat or if it's a dye job. But one thing I do know is that her Medusa Lite mane would have been sexier if somebody hadn't snipped off the last two inches of it. I'm guessing Bellam got tired of being shown up in the hair department and took a little revenge. Bellam, you little bitch!