1. fists
2. knives
3. gunfire
4. cannon fire
5. torpedoes
6. catapults
7. baseball bats, both wood and aluminum
8. boomerangs
9. arrows tipped with the poison saliva of rare Amazonian tree frogs
10. karate chops
11. the laughter of popular adolescent girls
12. that one really cool lightsaber in that one Star Wars movie, you know the one I'm talking about
13. sensual massage
14. the harsh rays of the sun
15. laser pointers
16. cat o' nine tails
17. pillow fights
18. grappling hooks
19. piggy-back rides
20. whatever Russell Crowe has in his hands at the time
21. spikey maces and/or extraterrestrial energy weapons
22. birds pooping on them
23. Surrendering. There is no way she could put her hands above her head with those on.
24. 80's fashion trends
25. The weight of her own damned hair on her shoulders. Jeeze!
(Just found this blog and am enjoying the hell out of it - awesome writing!)
Heh. Those are all good answers.
Thanks for taking my request, BB! Mary really is Exhibit A, isn't she? The extraneous belts alone...
A hearty HAW! to all your additions to my list! Thanks, Kitty, and you're welcome, Chawunky.
26. Black Canary, when she finds out that Typhoid stole her fishnets and boots. Later on she'll be like, "Sorry you had to wear that romper suit with the bird on it and the Olivia Newton John headband to your "team-up" with the hippie who gave all his money away, Dinah. I had a date with a lawyer!" God, she makes me so mad!
27. Dignity.
P.S. Honest to God, my word verification was 'cuffz.' As long as they match the collars, Mary...
28. Chaka Khan when she comes to get her wig back.
Well, as long as we're being honest, I think the *character* is cool. even though Ann Nocenti's writing is like a brick to the language centers of my brain (good story ideas, nightmarish dialogue, just like Claremont, IMO). And Mary is a great Daredevil character in that she is yet another Worst Girlfriend of All Time archetype. But the Nagel/Kabuki costume had to go. I have to admit, I like the extremely skanky Maleev look. Maybe she's always supposed to look like the tartiest pop star available. In the 80's, she looked like one of the Mary Jane Girls or something, and nowadays, she's Christina Aguilera during the period where she wasn't bathing.
Yeah, retroactively questionable as I find '80s costumes now, they struck me as pretty damn awesome at the time. On the other hand I was in high school then, and did in fact have a mulletesque outfit to go with my petroleum-based jacket, so go figure.
Good call on Claremont. I've been thinking of starting a comix blog just to exorcise the pain caused by that terribly arch style of his. Y'know, "Claremontism of the Day" and whatnot. Probably not a good enough reason in itself.
Dander pile-up.
Y'all are killin' me! (In the good way, natch.)
I liked Nocenti's Daredevil run, for the most part --although she was into "symbolism" that was about as subtle as a Little Golden Book. And I remember thinking Typhoid Mary looked hella cool. But then it was the 80's, and I also thought my all-acid washed denim ensemble looked hella cool. Times change; tastes change. It's good to hear that Mary is still around, and in a different outfit.
Chawunky, a Claremontism blog sounds hilarious! Seriously, there's enough material out there to last you years!
You may be right. (:
I loved the Skanky Maleev Look. I wish they could have left the nipple ring un-airbrushed on that one cover, though!
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