Here's the original Cyclone costume. Try tearing your eyes away from that gigantoid symbol on his back. You are getting very sleepy... because the look is quite boring! Let's give this poor dead dope a makeover, shall we?

I like the concentric rings but not when they make a huge target shape on the back of the costume. (Honestly, he was kind of asking for it, wasn't he? What, a "Kick me" sign was too literal?) So I relocated them to the shoulders and I designed a logo with the rings nestled within a "C." And I changed the color scheme to something more interesting. Fun fact: I was sorely tempted to make the white shape on the chest and neck a skin-revealing cut-out instead but I realized I shouldn't draw every guy with a bare chest, no matter how much I want to. I have to change it up now and again. So what do y'all think?
It's good. I like the colors and the emblem. Not too sure about the Mickey Mouse booties, though...
"And if you disagree you can suck it."
Hey--I'm amazed by you bloggers who do this every day. I have no idea where you guys find the time, so--bravo! Thanks for giving me a reason to goof off for a little while at work each morning.
As to the redesign, this is pretty cool. Purple and white costumes work for only two character: the Elongated Man and this guy. I dig it. The logo is especially cool. Nice design.
Pretty slick. What's nifty about this design is that it would work equally well as a hero's outfit--if Cyclone were resurrected, and in so doing went over to the side of the angels, this is what he should wear.
Pretty slick. What I like about this is that it would work as a hero costume as well, if Cyclone decides to join the side of the angels after his resurrection.
Whoop. So apparently Blogger was concealing the fact that my first attempt at commenting actually took.
Please feel free to delete any combination of my comments you deem most aesthetically pleasing, BB!
Thanks, fellas! And Chawunky... once again you crack my ass up! Brilliant!
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