Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Yes, But Where Do I Put My Quarters?

Y'know, I kinda liked the costume worn by Chronos -- not the Atom villain, but the other one, who's dead now (I think).

Chronos Number One

Still, it looks like something is missing.

What could it be?

Aha! I have some scraps of colored felt I can use... And where the hell did I put my thread...?

This will take just a moment. Please, bear with me.










Annnndd... done. There we go.

Sorry there's no cherry

Now, isn't that much better?


R Greene said...

And this is why I keep coming back. Thanks for this.

Scipio said...


Jeremy Rizza said...

Two comments already? I'm tickled pink!

And thank you, guys!

Phillip said...

Damn you, Scipio, that's exactly what I was gonna say!

Paul S. said...

For the record Chronos was killed in a time travel storyline in JSA by Per Degaton, but well time essentially repaired itself after Degaton was defeated, so I'd asume there's a good chance Chronos is still out there.

Anonymous said...

Great gag! I officialy approve!
You may be interested to know that I (Paul Guinan, co-creator) designed the suit as a black silhouette so that I wouldn't have to spend time working on annoying musculature. The turquoise pattern is Aztec based.
For the record, in issue #11 Chronos was removed from all time and space. This was a deliberate act by John Moore to make certain any messing with the character would be inaccurate, apocryphal, etc. Chronos exists, but noboby in any DC universe knows he exists.
That's Moore's and my story, and we're stickin' to it!