Can anybody explain the Wasp's line of thinking here? The She-Hulk is around six-foot-six. How is her figure flattered by putting her in genie pants and puffy sleeves? Is it really imperative that she look bulkier? And if so, why bother with all that fancy sewing? Why not stick her in a burqa, topped with a big, floppy sun hat? Or a beekeeper's uniform?
The She-Hulk obviously hates this costume, and I respect the hell out of her for tempering her response. 'Cause God knows I wouldn't have. The Wasp defends her sorry creation in the next panel: "You're an unusual woman, Jennifer! Your clothes should say that!" (The green hair and skin not doing it for you, honey?) "We want a complete image that'll drive men wild at the sight of you!" (And that means concealing as much of your body as humanly possible!)
The Wasp shows the She-Hulk exactly where she fits on her list of priorities (i.e. down at #732, between "Look in the Yellow Pages for a good chimney sweep" and "Get that Plantar's wart looked at") when the Masters of Evil attack. The She-Hulk rushes off to battle but the Wasp flies in front of her just as she's about to rip her way out of the puffy-yet-restrictive garment. "That outfit is an original!" snaps the Wasp. "Tear it -- and I'll never speak to you again!" So while Moonstone and the Scorpion are pulverizing The Mighty Thor, the She-Hulk has to carefully get out of her ensemble...

...and join the fray in her lacy unmentionables.

Think about it: some poor Korean gal had to wax a full square yard of bikini area. I hope she got a decent tip.
Tomorrow: more fashion-related fun from Avengers #222!
And while we're at it, what the hell is Ms. Van Dyne wearing? Billowy purple wizard sleeves with pink, aggressively tight and furiously pleated slacks? Zowie.
The Wasp is the only superhero I can think of that is also a fashion designer and based on the terrible costumes she's designed we should be thankful she is the only one.
I've been reading the Avengers from this era and there are a lot of mentions of The Wasp's fashion designer credentials.
She's like your archrival.
Didn't the Wasp once wear a bullet bra on her head? She's zany. I think every Marvel superheroine must dread the day the phone rings and Janet invites them out to afternoon tea and to try on outfits. Bonding over Janet-inflicted disasters did more to build camaraderie between Tigra and Captain Marvel II then Cap's speeches ever could have. Hell, it even helped Ms. Marvel get over her *extremely* ill-considered one-night-stand with Moondragon (who never called again and then ignored her at work).
Since there are only three panels it seems silly to have two favorites, but besides the fact that Jennifer has *purple* underwear, my favorite thing here is the image of the Savage She-Hulk struggling to get her riding boots off. You can almost see the Wasp flitting by saying "They're laced with Adamantium! Do you like them?"
Chawunky: Ms. Van Dyne is wearing a little ensemble she calls "Bingo Parlor Afternoons." The poncho lends an air of mystery. As in "Will they call N-25? Or B-16?"
Cozmik: Say, she is kind of my archrival! Boy howdy, if I had a nickel for every socialite airhead who thought she was a fashion designer *coughNickiHiltoncough* ...well, I'd have a lot of nickels is all I'm sayin'.
Anonymous: Yes, in her very first costume, the Wasp wore a cap sort-of-thing that came to a severe point. Like somebody had sharpened a gigantic Hershey's Kiss. Not as majestically stupid as those helmets worn by Bullet Man / Bullet Girl / The Bulleteer, but still awfully dorky. And I'm glad to learn that the Wasp's costume designs have some usefulness!
But how can Janet lug that Bingo ink stamp around at one inch high?
I must admit to an inexplicable liking of the Wasp's old onion-bonnet. I thought that ensemble was rather slick. But she's no Edna Mode, that's fer sure.
Jennifer Walters has usualy been quite fashion-adventurous ever since her fatefuul blood transfusion, but I'm glad to see that she seems to know what looks good and what looks utterly ridiculous!
I swear I can spell...
Chawunky: Janet Van Dyne wouldn't be caught dead holding a Bingo ink stamp -- that's what servants are for!
Kristin: thanks for reminding me of Kazaam, the world's only cross-eyed genie. Heh. "Kazaam." Even the name is comedy gold!
Phillip: I believe you can spell! I thought maybe "fatefuul" was an Olde English term, like from the original text of Beowulf.
To be fair to Janet, up to that point She Hulk had usually been wearing a Danskin unitard and leg warmers. The Arabian Night ensemble is a slight step up. At least it isn't the same hideous outfit everyone else is wearing.
She looks like the daughter of former Starman foe, The Green Arab.
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