Friday, April 18, 2008

Hey, Watch Where You Point That Thing


"Awright, Pym... bend over!"

I gotta give some credit to Captain America, or U.S.A-hole or Ameridouche or whatever the hell he was called at that point: he understand that if you possess mad improv skillz, you can fake your way to sexful sophistication! Just act like what you're doing is so way-out freaky, it's the other guy's problem for not "getting it." ...Er, not that I've ever had to resort to this. I just heard it from Storm Boy. Yeah.



Gus Casals said...

I know it's a little obvious, but we freudians call this "overcompensation". Shame on Rogers and Stark.

Bill S. said...

I had one of those. Um, my "friend" bought it for me as a "joke". Really. It had batteries. Um, yeah.

I thought we were "Earthlings"? When did the nomenclature change?

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

They probably should have explained their kinks beforehand so their partner(s) would understand.

But hey, in the heat of the moment...

Dave said...

My God.

They found Galactus' fleshlight!

Comixbear said...

The reason you never saw this weapon again was because Marvel discovered that it made the action figure fall over.

Jeremy Rizza said...

BWAH-HAW-HAW! Comixbear wins!

The rest of you, thanks for playing. You guys are the coolest!

Comixbear said...

Hey BB...Miss your comments on my site! (Is that a big enough hint? ;) )