Of course, we're talking about professional skankhound Tony Stark here, so "outer space action" has an entirely different meaning. In fact, Stark has many other euphamisms for "outer space action"! These include...
- "Repairing the Hubble"
- "One giant leap for my manhood"
- "Doin' it Dalek-style"
- "Jettisoning the booster rocket"
- "Going supernova" (wait a minute--! That's actually one of the Human Torch's euphamisms. My apologies.)
- Crashing the moon rover"
- "Opening the pod bay doors"
- "Checking for Tribbles"
- "Penetrating the wormhole"
- "Clearing the launchpad"
- "Tang" (just "Tang")
- "Shootin' Greedo"
- "Testing the effects of radiation on bean plants on behalf of a sixth grade science class" (yeah, I don't get that one either) Aaaand, of course...
- "The Big Bang"
I regret nothing. Alien Babes are hot well not Brood Queens . Not even I've been that drunk.
Looks like somebody prematurely shot their space-wad, huh?
So much for "Iron Man" being a mark of stamina.
What about "Launching photon torpedoes?"
Oh wait, that would be for a different body function.
Materializing the TARDIS?
In these uncertain political times, iron man needs an updated set of euphemisms:
"Laying down the law"
"Planting a spy in the enemy camp"
"Performing the Superheroic Registration Act"
and, of course, once his side loses and he finds himself a friendless outcast, it'll be back to:
"Polishing the helmet"
Don't knock Ironman...he's hot. Had a fling with him one Winter -- was enough to melt all the snow within 4 feet of the cabin. There was no ice fishing that year...just too dangerous.
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