Friday, May 25, 2007

Pandering to the Lois Common Denominator


Gratuitous bra-and-pantie sequence: 1980! Although somehow I always imagined Lois would wear those voluminous, droopy "granny panties"... and a chastity belt. Still, I have to give kudos to artist Bob Oskner for depicting her with internal organs and a working spine. And inker Vince "Kirby Killa" Colletta actually managed to not screw it up! I guess there was nothing good on TV that week.


Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

So Lois likes the tighty whities, eh?

(Writes on clipboard)

Scipio said...

Thank goodness it wasn't one of those GPS/IUD.

Bully said... title...ever!

Jeremy Rizza said...

Jon: You should see about getting a cabin boy to scribble down notes for you on a huge, curling piece of parchment paper with a big feather pen. I mean, that's what I do.

Scipio: Haw! That sounds more like something that would happen to Lana.

Bully: Thanks! And look at panel three! Lois is trying to play "toreador" with you!

Phillip said...

I think even Colleta couldn't screw up Oskner's ladies. His Mary Marvel? The cutest! (If there is evidence of Vince Colleta mangling a Bob Oskner lady, please don't tell me, it would just make me sad.)

Tony Z™ said...

bully: I totally agree.

phillip: I was just thinking that earlier today, before I even saw this. Bob Oskner always looked better inked by Bob Oskner or anybody-other-than-Vince-Colletta, but somehow Colletta just couldn't destroy Oskner the way he did every other artist he ever inked. I wonder why that is? Maybe Oskner utilized blackmail?

blockade boy: Love your blog. Just wish the pic was bigger. I'm dying to know what's going on in that sequence!!

Yes, I have no life...

Anonymous said...

That's a nice cartoon!

Jeremy Rizza said...

Phillip: Don't worry, I can't think of any times Colletta messed up Oskner's pencils. Come to think of it, his work in the early 80's over Win Mortimer (Supergirl) and Frank Springer (Dazzler) was pretty solid as well. It's just that I think back to those old Kirby romance comics and "Tales of Asgard" stories he slaughtered and I want him brought to trial for Crimes Against Humanity.

Tony Z: I wondered if Oskner's pencils were just so tight that it didn't give Colletta any wiggle room, but then Kirby's pencils always looked ten times more detailed when they were inked by, for instance, Chic Stone. It's a puzzle!

Michael: You're welcome!

ShadZ said...

I remember this comic. I was 14, and though it was pretty hot!

Anonymous said...

Vince Colletta rules! On Kirby, on Oskner, on his own shit-Always Awesome (well, most of the time anyway).