Friday, June 27, 2008

Punch Him in the Ink Sac!


I guess the (busty!) Octoid Men of Luvan are fond of wearing matronly one-piece swim suits, with their terminal spermatophoric ducts tucked between their legs.


Gus Casals said...

Is he also wearing some sort of integalactic fishnets?

It looks like a color blind alien version of the Black Canary costume.

Anonymous said...

So, with which of those arms does he apply the sperm dollops?

LurkerWithout said...

Little Known Fact: The state religion of the Luvans is based on reruns of That Girl...

Jeremy Rizza said...

Gustavo: I'm hoping they're fishnets, and not some kind of... liquid running down his tentacles/legs.

Chawunky: Hey! There's no need for obscenity. (That's my job.)

Lurker: True! In times of crisis, adherents look to the heavens and cry, "Oh, Donald!"

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Nothing wrong with wearing intergalactic fishnets now and again, I say.

Jeremy Rizza said...

And both of us are manly enough to admit it! *raises frosty mug of Astro Bock in solidarity*

Arthur said...

Nice blog thanks for pposting