Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Get Away With It (Part Three)

Only in the world of super-heroes can you...

3. Wear your underpants on the outside. Nobody will even care. The only drawback: this will often cause your genitalia to vanish.



Gus Casals said...

Well, I don't see what is "fictional" about meeting a guy wearing just leather briefs with a flag... happens every other weekend at a bar I frequent.
Unfortunately, the vanishing genitalia usually happens *after* they remove them...

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

I did once see a guy walking down the street once in tighty whities, combat boots, and giant feathery angel wings. It was Halloween and near Belmont and Halsted in Chicago so I imagine that's the exception that proves the rule.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

In fact, his genitalia didn't exactly disapear either. He was packing so much that my then-girlfriend-now-wife turned her head as we drove past and exclaimed "Wow did you see that?" So I guess he really was the exception that proves the rule.

Nepharia said...

Tighty whities with angel wing? Ew. Wouldn't boxer briefs have been more fashionable?

Jeremy Rizza said...

Gustavo: No, no, I meant leather flag-undies over spandex tights! ...What? You see plenty of that, too? I have got to find this bar!

Jon: Again, it doesn't count if it's just plain ol' underpants with nothin' underneath.

Jon: Not that he literally had "nothing" underneath. You can paint quite the word picture!

Nepharia: Exactly. Hell, he might as well have worn black socks that were held up by little garters. And a truss!