I thought I'd take advantage of my current obsession with hair bleaching to design some kick-ass black-and-silvery-white togs. I never would have worn something like this when my hair was brown... or orange. Anyway, this is my most favoritest costume yet! It's a bit "Fantastic Four," I grant you. But the little spots of color in the goggles and in the superhero logo make a big difference. Also, I trimmed my hair a little shorter than before, to put more emphasis on my killer biker 'stache. I think it's a pretty sweet look for me. And if any man disagrees, we can settle things the old-fashioned way: with fisticuffs. Or better yet, a drinking contest! In fact, forget the "contest" part, let's just meet at your place for drinks. And if we get in an argument that escalates into a full-contact brawl with the both of us wrestling on the floor until our clothes get torn off and we're all sweaty and dirty and naked, I'm totally cool with that.
I'm just sayin'.
Looks great. I bet you could totally kick someone in the crotch with those boots, too (if the price is right, of course)
Absolutely love the new outfit. Don't know if the stache goes with it, tho. This or the original purple and orange are probably my favorite designs, leaning toward this.
Verification: oexeo, the rare palindrome.
Oo! It's perfect for New Year's!
In fact, shouldn't you design New Year Costumes for other characters, too?
I'm sure Batman and Calendar Man would appreciate them...
BB, I think you look fetching in pretty much ANYTHING you wear.
I dig the costume but the bleached white moustache kinda makes you look old.
It's practically formalwear! Happy New Year!
Nice looking Napoleonic boots: they sure make for classy super-villainy... just like Basil Rathbone's in "The Mark of Zorro"
Thanks, guys 'n' gals!
Jon: But I don't take American Express.
Scipio: Say, the Calendar Man is in that morally-reversed Seven Soldiers deal I was going to design, wasn't he? I'll have to get on that.
Nefaria: Aw! *blushes*
Captain Great: I don't mind looking older. If I did, I wouldn't have grown that mustache in fourth grade.
Happy New Year, all!
I thought you hated assymetry?
Well, obviously it's okay if I do it.
But seriously... I was very sparing with it in this case. The lower half of the uniform is completely symmetrical. It's not like I'm the Golden Age Daredevil or somethin'.
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