Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Museum of Modern Smut


Well, HELL NO, that ain't a painting of a finger.

...Aw, don't be such a prude. My own magnificent member has been painted on countless occasions! Also, somebody once did a portrait of it. *rimshot*


Gus Casals said...

See? This is one of those ocasions where 31st century lifestyle and technology don't bring themselves to joking. If your member had been made into holovision models, it wouldn't be as funny.

Although a member made into models opens a whole new realm of possibilities....

Comixbear said...

Your member may have been painted, but was it a museum? ;)

Bill S. said...

When did Dr. Manhattan open a gallery? And start wearing clothes? And become a completely professional smut peddler?

Scipio said...

Get your mind out of the gutter, BB!

Do you not recognize Dab Stract's early surrealist work, "Pringle Birthing a Band-Aid", when you see it...?!


captain koma said...

Yeah. It got worse.

Bring down a bit.

Camp is cool.

But you know, no one likes someone bragging.

Jeremy Rizza said...

Gustavo: Especially when you factor in the "hard light" technology one reads about in all the comic books nowadays.

Comixbear: Boo! BOOOOOO!!! ...Kidding. I'm actually just jealous 'cause I didn't think of it first!

Bill S.: I'm just blown away by his quantum handlebar 'stache, and the fact that this is all taking place on the moon.

Scipio: Hey, if it ain't painted on velvet, a cypress knee, or the side of a van, I ain't interested.

Captain Koma: It's not bragging if it's true, pal! *slaps you genially on the back, and orders the whole blog a round of drinks*

Bill S. said...

Honestly, I didn't even realize that was a 'stache!