Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Get Away With It (Part Two)

Only in the world of super-heroes can you...

2. Sport a kooky hair-do or beard style in both your super-heroic and civilian identities. People will flat-out refuse to ID you!



Gus Casals said...

"Captain elaborated beard"?? You just created that comic to write yourself in!

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Captain Elaborate Beard is a Betty Sue isn't he? Come on, fess up.

captain koma said...

Yes I'm quite sure "Captain Elaborate Beard" would make a great comic. But is there a market for bearded heroes these days?

Bearded Heroines of course are rarities and are accepted but Heroes are a dime a dozen.

Dean said...

Green Arrow was, of course, the gold standard proof of this axiom. Maybe people just thought that Oliver Queen was just so creepily obsessed with GA that he insisted on styling his beard the same way.

Comixbear said...

That's sort of like He-Man. His secret identity had a pet green and yellow talking tiger, which noone else seemed to have. And He-Man looked exactly the same (same hair, face, etc) with a green and yellow talking tiger....AND NOONE CONNECTED THEM!!!!!!!!

LurkerWithout said...

Captain Elaborate Beard was TOTALLY a member of the Legion of Substitute Supstitute Super-Pet Instructors. I thought everyone knew that...

And remember its ELABORATE. There was never a Captain Elaborated Beard. A Proffesor Elaboreted Beard yes. But he was a villain. A member of the Fairly Naughty Eleven IIRC...

Jeremy Rizza said...

Gustavo: I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about *hastily removes glasses and fedora*

Jon: The very IDEA. Harumph! Harumph, I say to you now.

Captain Koma: I can think of a particular "niche" market that would go positively "nuts" for a bearded hero. (I'm referring, of course, to ham radio enthusiasts.)

Dean: I have an alternate theory, based on zero proof: there are vast herds of men shuffling about Star City with that exact same beard. It's nice to think about, anyway.

Comixbear: That makes Green Arrow's beard seem totally sensible!

Lurker: Heh. Now, try to get some sleep, pal; you're hallucinating. I don't care if you're at work. BLOCKADE BOY COMMANDS IT! Er, sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I guess I need some sleep, too!

Skeleton Munroe said...

I may have found another great-great grandfather. How many can a lad have, for goodness sake?

Oh, right. Eight.

Anonymous said...

"Green Arrow was, of course, the gold standard proof of this axiom."

In the Mike Grell run, Oliver Queen's "disguise" was considered so flimsy that, one time, the police captain just showed up at the Queen residence to compare notes on a case. He didn't even realize that Green Arrow's civilian identity was intended to be secret.

Under Kevin Smith, too, the "disguise" was considered effectively nonexistent -- Mia Dearden instantly saw through it, and probably lots of other people did too.